Thursday, October 30, 2014

A trip to the American Girl boutique in Ottawa

Hello everyone, so yesterday I had a little day off of school! So, my family and I wanted to go to the American Girl place in Ottawa!! I took a bit of pictures around the store. I wanted to share the pictures with you guys! I also got some things, but I will be posting that later!! Let's start this post!

                           So those 3 pictures were the beautiful Julie! She was so beautiful!!

            First picture is blurry, sorry about that! But, it's still the awesome Samantha!!! <3
                                                       Rebecca was so pretty <3

                                              Isabelle!!! Yes, I did get one of her pieces!!
                                            Julie and Samantha looked really cute together!

 The MYAG part was so adorable. I wanted to take all of the outfits... but I couldn't!! :(
                                                             I got Vicky's hair done!!
                                                                        Without bows
                                                                        With bows!!

So... as you can see... I had a blast!! Be sure to check out my haul... I will post it soon!! Bye guys!!

~Ellie xx

1 comment:

Kathrine said...

I was there on October 28th :)