Monday, October 27, 2014

Scartastic fence decorating

Today Vicky and Sam decorated the fence! Let's see how that experience went.. Muh ha ha ha ha!!

 "I bought some decorations at Target today, do you want to decorated the fence with me?" Vicky asked Sam.
"Yeah! Just, don't get scared at the decorations like last year!" Sam replied. Vicky just shushed her.
                                              "AH! SPIDER!!" Vicky said and passed out.
          "Relax Vicky, it's just a decoration! Get up! Scaredy cat!" Sam said and helped Vicky up.
                                          "Oh shush Sam, I'm aloud to be scared at something!" Vicky said.
"Yes, but you're scared of spiders, balloons, water, snakes, straws, fish, trains..." Sam says but Vicky                                                                     makes her stop.
 "Here's the first one! Vicky you put it up!" Sam says and gives the decoration to Vicky.
                                          "I can't find the nail... Help me Sam!" Vicky says!
 "Okay, you find the hook and I'll find the nail... here, put it in!" Sam says. Vicky does as she said.
                                                       "Here's the bat!" Sam says
                                                       "Here, I found the nail!" Vicky says.
        "HOLY POOOOO!! IT'S A GHOST! VICKY, MAKE IT LEAVE!!!" Sam says scared.
                                       "Relax, it's just a decoration!" Vicky says mocking Sam!
                                                              :FINISHED LOOK:
                                                     "Let's add a punken!" Vicky says.
                                          "It's a pumpkin..." Sam says annoyed at Vicky.
                                                                      THE END!

Happy Halloween!!

~Ellie xx

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