Monday, October 20, 2014

International AGblogger day

    October 29th is international AGblogger day!

Celebrate your blog by: 
                                     -Wear a                                                                    red long/short sleeved shirt 
                                     -Wear black jeans, black                                          legging or a black skirt   
                                     - Wear your hair down with                                      a Julie braid tied to the                                              back of your head

If you see someone that is dresses this way, (If they look at you) WINK and if they do it back, you shared a signal showing that both of you are AGbloggers. 

Show me your style!  Use the hashtag #AGbloggerday to show me your outfit! And, if you meet up with an AGblogger and you talk, take a selfie (If you're aloud to) and use the hashtag #WeMetInRed 

Other hashtags you can use:

Remember, this is a day to become friends with AGbloggers just like you. 

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